In order to stimulate the incorporation in Spanish agriculture of agricultural machines with technological innovations, more energy efficient, safer for the operator and allowing a better conservation of the environment, in favor of a sustainable agriculture, the MAPAMA has the following aid to agrarian mechanization:
- Royal Decree 704/2017 establishes the bases for the renewal of different agricultural machines: tractors, automotive collection machines, phytosanitary treatment equipment, fertilizer spreaders, direct sowing drills and slurry tanks with localized application of the product.
- These grants will be governed by the calls that are published annually. The Order of the MAPAMA of July 27, 2017, in the BOE of August 1, establishes the call for aid for the year 2017.
- The processing of the grants will start on the day following the publication of the call in the BOE (from August 2) at the following link:
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